Monday, January 24, 2005

Al-Zarqawi Has a Point

I never thought I'd be saying that. But after reading a Newsday report on a audio file posted on the web Sunday, purported to be Al-Zarqawi, he may not be the total nut our beloved media has made him out to be.
"We have declared a fierce war on this evil principle of democracy and those who follow this wrong ideology," said the speaker, who identified himself as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
He said that freedom of expression is allowed "even cursing God. This means that there is nothing sacred in democracy."
Can't argue with THAT, can you? Just look at our own headlines today. Even the founding principles of freedom are under attack.

The tape continues.
"You have to be careful of the enemy's plan to implement so-called democracy in your country," he added. He said the Americans have engineered the election "to make Shiites dominate the regime in Iraq. Four million Shiites were brought from Iran to take part in the elections to achieve their aim of winning" most of the positions.

He said the Shiites aim to "begin spreading their evil faith among people through money and fear" and that in a few years they will take over Baghdad and Sunni areas of central and northern Iraq.
That's an aspect of this fight that you don't hear too much about any more.
If our Dear Leader was truely interested in bringing peace and freedom to Iraq, wouldn't the proper response be to forge a plan to divide Iraq into Shiite, Sunni and Kurd territories where ALL THREE groups could live as they desired? Freedom for some is not freedom.

Seems to me that the neo-cons are just exchanging enslavement under Saddam for enslavement under their annointed group du jour.

How long before the Shiites turn against us, and we're back in Iraq (if we ever leave)?

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