Sunday, October 31, 2004

It Just Doesn't Matter

As I sit here on the final weekend before Election Day 2004, I find one thought predominant: The path of the United States and the Federal Government will not significantly change, regardless if George Bush or John Kerry win the election. (I can here my Christian brothers and sisters shouting 'Blasphemy!' as they read this.) I know, I know...John Kerry supports every extreme leftist agenda that comes along. (I'm not sure he actually believes it; I think he just feels these positions will get him the most votes. If he felt conservatism was the way to win, he'd be right of Rush Limbaugh tomorrow.)

George Bush is by no measure a conservative; he and Kerry are different sides of the same coin: global-socialists, dedicated to the increased power of the state (state being national and supra-national government).

Either way, you will see the following: an increase in the size, scope and budget of the Federal Government, including but not limited to new and more departments, more spending, more mandates and more control; continued loss of states rights; continued loss of civil liberties in the name of 'security'; increased powers given to the UN and other supra-national bodies.

I frequently hear my fellow Christians talk about upholding the principles of the Founding Fathers; that alone should disqualify George Bush from getting their vote. The Founding Fathers were dedicated to the principles of freedom and personal liberty. These principles were set forth for all to see and know in the Constitution of the United States. I challenge you to go ahead and read it, and then tell me you think the policies of Bush follow these principles.

If Christians were serious about upholding the original vision for this country, they would be voting Libertarian Party or Constitution Party. I don't want to hear about wasted votes; that's stupid. We are to vote our principles and convictions, not worry about who may or may not win. How much sense does it make to vote for the winner if he is going to wind up enslaving you?? (You going to feel better when taxes go up because at least you voted for the winner?)
See my post of a week ago, for more on the globalist / statist positions of Bush

"But George Bush is a Christian. We need a man of God in the White House".
Oh really? GOD said, you will know them (believers) by their fruit...let's look at some of George's "fruit".
As Christians, are we not commanded to obey civil laws, when they are not in conflict with the Word of GOD? Well, the law that regulates the President is the Constitution. Bush violates this every day. That makes him a law-breaker.

Bush has just come out in favor of civil unions for homosexuals. How does that make you feel?

He refuses to make a pro-life position mandatory for any judge he nominates to any position; does that make you happy? (by the way...the Constitution Party presidential nominee has come up with a viable plan to outlaw abortion on his FIRST DAY in office!)

Bush made the statement that "Christians and Muslims worship the same GOD". Is there any Bible-believer that would dare say that? GOD refers to Himself by a number of names in the Bible, NONE of which are Allah. Many would argue that this was said for political expediency. Christians put GOD above politics, not visa versa.

Have you ever heard Bush say "Jesus" or "born again" in public? I haven't. "Jesus is Lord" and "Jesus is raised from the dead" is what makes us Christians. Bush uses vague terms like God, faith, prayer, Higher Power in an obscure manner. Faith in what? Prayer to whom? These words are used by people of many different religions. (Satanists refer to Lucifer as god and lord!). It is because Christians assume and project their own definitions onto these words that they feel George Bush is one of them. (Before you have a hissy-fit and start screaming that I'm 'judging' Bush, forget it...that's GOD's job. I'm just making observations and connecting dots that you have willfully ignored.)

No, it just doesn't matter. Bush or Kerry will just continue to take us down the yellow brick road to global socialist government. To save and restore American, we need to restore personal freedom as envisioned by our Founding Fathers. As for me, I'll be voting FOR something this year (as I have done for the past 3 presidential elections); I'm voting for liberty and freedom. Won't you join me?

Update Nov 01, 2004 06:45
I am at a loss for words. In an amazing coinsidence, today Vox Day posts this opinion piece in his weekly column!
I don't know Vox personally and have no contact with him. (could it be the Holy Spirit?)
Great minds of freedom think alike!

Friday, October 29, 2004

New World Disorder

AP reports that
European leaders on Friday signed the EU's first constitution, a diplomatic triumph they hope will give the union a sharper international profile and speed up decision-making in a club now embracing 25 nations.
The EuroGlobal Socialists are at it again, trying to bring their vision of "world harmony" to fruition. Government larger than a small county rarely works, but these characters think they can run Europe, and eventually the world.
Don't you just love the use of the word "club" to describe this political body? (Its used a second time in the article.) Makes it sound like a bunch of grown men acting like little boys; they're just harmless!
"The seeming madness of our founding fathers has become a splendid reality," Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian premier, said in a speech earlier. "Never in history have we seen an example of nations voluntarily deciding to exercise their sovereign powers jointly in the exclusive interests of their peoples, thus overcoming age-old impulses of rivalry and distrust."
"...exercise their sovereign powers jointly..."Soveriegnty can't be exercised jointly; it is being relinquished to a supranational governing body (we are the world...we are the children...sorry, bad flash back! If you don't get it, ask someone older.)

The two items I found most interesting (from a biblical prophetic point of view) are the following:
1) this little get together took place in Rome, significant since some Prophecy teachers think it is necessary for the "Roman Empire" to be revived before the appearance of the anti-Christ, and
2) the fact that one of the upcoming members of the ruling council, Rocco Buttiglione, an Italian, is described as being a Papal confidant (that means he's in tight with the Pope) is significant because many believe that the Roman Catholic church is the false religion of End Times.

Just another fun development to keep your eyes on, as the Bible is fulfilled right in front of you!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Amateurs On Line

AP relays a story discussing weak internet security for home users.
Internet users at home are not nearly as safe online as they believe, according to a nationwide inspection by researchers. They found most consumers have no firewall protection, outdated antivirus software and dozens of spyware programs secretly running on their computers.
Now wait, I thought. I'm no programmer or hacker, but geez, firewalls and anti-virus programs, I though everybody knew about them. And I figured most people were somewhat aware of spyware.
One beleaguered home user in the government-backed study had more than 1,000 spyware programs running on his sluggish computer when researchers examined it.
OK, one guy with 1K spyware bugs. He's just the extreme and they're trying to make him seem the norm, I thought.
Bill Mines, a personal trainer in South Riding, Va., did not fare much better. His family's 3-year-old Dell computer was found infected with viruses and more than 600 pieces of spyware surreptitiously monitoring his online activities.

"I was blown away," Mines said. "I had a lot of viruses and other things I didn't know about. I had no idea things like this could happen."
OK, wait a had no idea about viruses?? Just what planet you from?

So then I just started scanning the article to see what other enlightening facts I could pick up...2/3 with anti-virus software that hadn't been updated in 7 days ( not a real big deal, especially for casual 'net surfers)...80% contained spyware (no quantity given, so again, not that big a deal)...2/3 running NO firewall...(WHAT??!? Who are these people?)

Then I went back and re-read the article; I KNEW I had missed something along the way. Then I found it...the sentence that brought it all into focus and explained everything:
The survey participants all were AOL subscribers selected in 22 cities and towns by an independent market analysis organization.
The Overcharged and Underserved: Amateur On Line subscribers! The place to go to pay a premium to make the internet twice as difficult as it needs to be.
Plus you can get dial-up service for about the same price as I'm paying for DSL!!

FYI...if you have a Windows-based computer on-line for 24 hours without a properly configured firewall, your machine has been compromised. No doubt about it.

Here's some advice...if you insist on continuing to use Windows operating systems (like XP, Me, 2000, 98, 98SE, etc.) you MUST run the following:
at least firewall software (preferably BlackIce) if not a firewall as part of a router; at least one (if not two or three) anti-virus programs and at least three (or more) anti-spyware programs (because most aren't able to detect each and every threat). I'll get Crispy23 over at "My Round Box" to post a list of his favorites/recommendations in the comments section; he and his FighterAce buds keep up on this stuff (by the way, if you're looking for a GREAT WWII fighter simulation game, check out Fighter Ace)

Your other option to counter viruses, trojans and spyware is to switch to a Linux-based operating system. This was my tactic of choice. I've been messing with Linux for about two years now. Part of that time I maintained Windows as a back-up. But about two months ago, I freed my computer from all traces of Microsoft. (I'm not one of those guys who hates Bill Gates; I just think Windows is overpriced and an inferior product. I can do everything I need to do on Linux, just as well as Windows did it, for little or no software costs.)
And the migration is not that difficult. Visit Distrowatch to begin learning and exploring the possibilities of Linux.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Long Live the Detroit News!

In today's editorial discussing its Presidential endorsement, The Detroit News got it right: None of the Above.
They procede to go through a rather lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of Bush and Kerry. While I don't agree with every point made, I do agree with their general tone and conclusions.

For me, John Kerry is a non-issue. It baffles me as to how someone with his record and beliefs could even get nominated. It just demontrates how successful the public school system has been in dumbing-down the average American.

Being a true conservative (not one of these "neo-con nuts ), Bush has been a disaster for me. His tax cut, however meager, was a step in the right direction. The dismanteling of terrorists networks in Afghanastan was totally justifiable. I'm not even against removing Saddam Hussein from power. But thats about where George Bush and I part company.

I think the policy of nation-building is arrogent and in all probability, undoable (especially in an Arab culture). He still fails to directly name the enemy we are facing (militant Islam) and still insists "Islam is a religion of peace". And Bush is still a servant of global government; he actively favors the Law of the Sea Treaty and FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas)

And his domestic policy has been an even greater dissappointment. Spending is nuts. He has given greater control of the local schools to the federal government via "No Child Left Behind". The Patriot Act has some problematic details erroding individual liberties. His initiation of the take-over of the pharmacuetical industry by the Feds evolked nary a whimper from the Republicans. The ridiculous regulations regarding overtime pay are an affront to the free market system. He has no policy to stem the mass influx of illegal immigrants. He has waffled in his supposed pro-life stance, stating that it will not be used to help him choose judicial nominees. For those of you waiting for him to get abortion outlawed, don't hold your breath. He can't even get a judicial nominee appointed!

The one major dissapointment I have with The Detroit News editorial is that they ended it at neither Bush nor Kerry deserve their endorsement. But based upon their criteria, there is an alternative; vote "Third" party. Don't give me that nonsense about wasted votes. I'm sick of voting against things. We need to vote FOR something. Nothing will change if we think the only option is Democrat or Republican...both are in existence to perpetuate and expand the State.

Challenge yourself; examine the Libertarian Party platform and the Constitution Party platform. See if you don't fit in better there, than with what's been going on in Washington the past 60 years.
Cast a vote on November 2nd to reflect you. That's what I'm going to do. That way, I'll be able to sleep nights, knowing I did the best thing I could to restore freedom to America.

Troubles for Kerry

A story from Matt Drudge tells us that two rallies this past weekend for John Kerry, featuring two Leftie-Hefties, Cher and Rosie O'Donnell, failed to attract even one tenth of the anticipated crowd.
According to the Drudge Report, O'Donnell spoke to a nearly vacant Club Ovation last night in Ft. Lauderdale, acknowledging the lack of a big crowd.
"You know, there's only like, you know, maybe 38 of us here and maybe we can just like tap a keg and put on some disco, and totally party," she said, according to Drudge.
The small turnout came just a day after Cher was able to attract a few hundred people for a Kerry event at the Crobar disco in Miami Beach.
"There were supposed to be thousands of people here tonight," Cher told the audience, "I'm not sure why that didn't happen, obviously the people putting on this thing were just not very good at it."
When you're the Democratic Party nominee for president, its 9 days until the election, and you can't at least fill the house with people from the LunaticLeft of LA, you've got B I G problems! I've heard rumblings of a landslide in favor of Bush, but I didn't give them much credence. This occurrence makes me start to think that there may be something to it.

Is It Any Wonder They Lost the Revolutionary War?

WND reports that the British has approved the practive of Satanic rituals aboard ships.
"From a military perspective, I believe in vengeance," Cranmer told the paper. "I don't consider Satan to be an intelligently external force in my life; instead I consider it an empowering internal force. If I were asked if I were evil, I would say yes – by virtue of the common definition.
Sounds like he approves of the concept of satanic possession.
"We are an equal opportunities employer and we don't stop anybody from having their own religious values," a navy spokesman told the Telegraph. "Chris Cranmer approached his captain and made a request to be registered as a Satanist. This involved a formal stand-up approach, made in front of an audience, saying that he wanted to register as a Satanist and to practice his religious beliefs.
Practice his religious beliefs...? What happens when he begins performing sacrifices?
I wouldn't be surprised if this sailor met with an unfortunate accident while out to sea.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

See Michael Moore Sunbathing!

Look here, if you dare.

Hey Mom, What's for Dinner?

This story on the Fox News web site proves that all the insane have yet to be committed.

No more eating at strangers' homes for me!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I'm Sorry, I Can't Pass This One Up!

Well, she's at it again! USA Today posts this interview with that intellectual heavyweight, Teresa Heinz Ketchup.
Q: You'd be just the second first lady who was born abroad, the first who had two foreign parents. Do you think that causes Americans any pause?

A: Well, Americans who pause probably don't know history very well, because we are all from somewhere. We are continually being from somewhere. And in such a young country as this — it's not like we're talking, you know, old Europe. We are constantly renewing our energy and our knowledge and our heart and our soul, enriched like no other country in that sense. And to fear that or disparage that I don't think is American. And I never hear that out there.
Oh God, my ribs are starting to hurt from laughing! "...we are all from somewhere. We are continually being from somewhere." Like where?...freaking MARS??? If I stop laughing, I'll edit this and insert a comment/analysis.
Q: You'd be different from Laura Bush?

A: Well, you know, I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don't know that she's ever had a real job — I mean, since she's been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things. And I'm older, and my validation of what I do and what I believe and my experience is a little bit bigger — because I'm older, and I've had different experiences. And it's not a criticism of her. It's just, you know, what life is about.
I checked Teresa's resume...under occupation it states: I write checks for money I did absolutely nothing to earn, payable to far left fringe socialist and communist organizations, attempting to undermine the foundations of the US.

I hope all you stay-at-home Moms realize you've just been relegated to 2nd class citizenship, because you "never had a real job-I mean since you've been grown up".

By the way Teresa, your imaginary validation is bigger, because your ego is obviously unchecked.

If this is the woman John Kerry chose to marry, what does that say about his decision-making abilities? Lord help us.

The Credit Bubble and Bubble Brains

Yesterday, I was lamenting the lack of sound economic thinking in the media. Well, here's a perfect example of economic stupidity, from none other than Alan Greenspan.
Greenspan, however, said it was unlikely that either the high level of household debt or the big rise in housing prices represented serious threats to the economy because Americans appeared to have sufficient resources to keep meeting their loan payments.
And how are they meeting those loan payments? By borrowing money from an imaginary equity in their home and spending it (equity doesn't become equity until you are holding it in your hand.). So, we're borrowing money to buy stuff, and then borrowing more to keep up the payments. That's why the debt level is soaring. This cycle can't continue...never has, never will.
"Short of a significant fall in overall household income or in home prices, debt servicing is unlikely to become destabilizing," Greenspan said.
Check the income statistics...real income is DOWN. Thats why we're having record bankruptcies.
Greenspan said that it would take "a large, and historically most unusual" decline in home prices to wipe out the equity that Americans have in their homes. He said about three-fourths of all mortgages are taken out by buyers who put up a 20 percent downpayment, which would be enough to cover even a very significant drop in home prices.
Translation: Its perfectly fine if you loose the 20% you put down on your house.
"While local economies may experience significant speculative price imbalances, a national severe price distortion seems most unlikely in the United States, given its size and diversity," Greenspan said.
Translation: You can still get a good deal in Appalachia.
He noted that household debt has been rising faster than incomes for at least the last 50 years as Americans have enjoyed rising levels of discretionary income, which they have used to buy more and more items on credit.
Debt rising faster than income for 50 years...does that sound like a prescription for sound economics? If they had rising levels of discretionary income (real INCOME, not borrowed money), they wouldn't be going deeper into debt.

Debt satisfies your present at the expense of your future.
To begin learning about sound economic principles, visit The Mises Institute.
To learn more about the Credit and Debt Bubbles, and for a contrarian view on the economy, visit The Daily Reckoning.
It may save you a bundle of money.

Mother Ketchup Speaks (again)! reports that Teresa Heinz Kerry has given an exclusive interview to PlanetOut, a media company dedicated to the homosexual agenda. Among her bits of wisdom:
If her husband is elected president, Teresa Heinz Kerry "pledges to make gay tolerance a centerpiece of her First Lady duties," an online media company reported.
Guess I missed it again. Could someone please let me know where in the Constitution of the United States the "First Lady Duties" are enumerated?
Mrs. Kerry was quoted as saying, "A person doesn't choose their sexuality. For the other side, there's a tinge of the suggestion of sin, of the choice of 'misbehavior,' quote-unquote, which is not the case at all."
Sorry for the delay...I had to pick my chair up off the floor, because I just fell out of it while laughing! A "tinge of suggestion of sin"??!? That's like saying Brittney Spears demonstrates a tinge of suggestion of skin with her attire! (I warned you all the other day, 4 years of Teresa would be hillarious!)
Note to GOD: Please call your publisher. Your Book needs to be edited; Teresa says so.

As to the comment that people don't choose their sexuality, I say prove it. More evidence points to entering the homosexual lifestyle by choice than other theories. Until you can find a genetic marker that is 100% accurate, there is no proof of anything (Even your hero John Kerry said the other day that it is a choice...but that was right after he said homosexuals are born that way.). And how is it that people are able to leave the homosexual lifestyle and resume a normal heterosexual life? Brainwashing? They're just kidding themselves? They weren't really homosexual?

This debate will rage on without an answer until Jesus returns. But I find it interesting that homosexuals feel the need to use this "I'm just a victim of my genetics" argument. If they felt their lifestyle was legitimate, they wouldn't be arguing that "I just can't help myself!" By trying to convince us that all is well, they are trying to convince themselves.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Not-So-Happy Holidays?

AP reports that Mattel and Hasbro, the leading toy manufacturers are bracing for a cold winter, of sorts.
Toy makers and major retailers are bracing for potentially weak Christmas sales this year amid concerns that consumers, many squeezed by skyrocketing gas prices or uneasiness over the economy, will spend less on holiday shopping.
But wait, how can this be? I just finished reading the governments latest Consumer Price Index report, which says there is minimal inflation and everything is hunky-dorie. (By the way, don't you love how they exclude food and energy prices because they can "swing widely from month to month". Try that at the food store or gas station; tell the clerk you're not going to pay the new price because its rising too quickly. See how much merchandise you get to leave with!)
The "experts" are running around stating that the economy can withstand rising oil prices of 50, 60 and even 70 dollars a problem!
(His name escapes me at the moment, but Hitler's man in charge of Nazi propaganda said something to the effect that if you tell the same lie often enough, it becomes accepted as the truth.)
Rising fuel costs operate like a tax increase, cutting into consumers' purchasing power, Steidtmann said.
Nominate this man for Chairman of the Federal Reserve!! This is the most, and possibly only, intelligent economic statement you will read in the mainstream press this month!

Anyway, I think Mattel's and Hasbro's concern may be unfounded. After all, we live in a GHI (Gotta Have It) society. Junior may grow up to become a mass murder, or worse, if he isn't supplied with an unending stream of brain-deadening articles of amusement. God forbid we actually teach our kids that there are economic priorities and life is not one big Self-gratification Fest.

So, what will happen is that spineless Mom and Dad will max out the plastic, dip into the Home Equity Line of Credit or go for the big one and refinance the house again and take out all the equity, "cuz, ya know, I really want that 70" HD TV too."

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Dr. Ketchup Speaks

The Reno Gazette-Journal reports that Teresa Heinz-Kerry out-lined a national health care policy yesterday in Reno, NV.

Heinz Kerry, speaking before 600 people and a few crying babies at the Neil Road Community Center in a mostly Latino neighborhood, said the costs of health care is skyrocketing while the quality is declining.

“We’ve already paid for great health care, we just are not getting it,” she said.
Huh? I don't remember paying anyone. Skyrocketing costs? Ever hear of inflation and government mandates and regulation?
Heinz Kerry singled out U.S. drug companies for gouging seniors, saying that if her husband were elected, he would lift the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ban on the importation of drugs from Canada.

Its the FDA regulation, which your hubby and his fellow lefties established, that accounts for the greatest costs in development of drugs!
She called on schools to serve nutritious food to help combat juvenile diabetes and childhood obesity.
The Left already controls most school boards, so what are you guys waiting for?

“We have seven and eight year olds with the adult onset of diabetes,” Heinz Kerry said.
WHAT??!? ...7, 8 year must have gone to public school. How can a 7 or 8 year old possibly have adult-onset diabetes?? Just goes to show, money doesn't impart intelligence. In a perverse kinda way, I'd almost like to see Kerry win...4 years of this nit-wit would be hillarious!!

Friday, October 15, 2004

The Truth about Stem Cell Research

Michael Fumento has written an excellent piece on his web site regarding the Stem Cell research debate.
As usual, the left is knowingly lying through their teeth, in pursuit of free money from the the Federal Feeding Trough (that's our tax money, folks).

So why all the incredible pressure on the Bush administration to open the federal spigot for ESC (embryonic stem cell) experimentation?

It's precisely because ASCs (adult stem cells) are superior, and private investors know it. Hence they plow their money into ASC research. Starved for funding, ESC researchers – who operated for years under the false belief that their path held more promise – may find their hopes dashed. They need to feed at the federal trough. So they've waged a high-profile disinformation campaign to exaggerate any possible ESC development, even as they pooh-pooh or ignore all ASC breakthroughs.

Read the entire article folks. Its a concise explanation of the FACTS of this debate. I promise it will open your eyes.

Variant of Hackarmy Trojan Horse

TechNewsWorld describes the Beckham code variant of the Hackarmy trojan.

Two thoughts:

1) If you are surfing the Net on a Windows box, without a firewall and at least ONE anti-virus program, you deserve to have you computer explode where it sits.

2) When are you going to explore Windows-alternatives?
As previously noted, my personal fav is one of the Linux varieties, but there is also Apple and the Mac OS.

The Death of Microsoft

The Las Vegas Sun tells of the development of a desktop search engine by Google, beating Microsoft to the punch by at least 2 years!

"Managing infoglut is an increasing challenge for computer users, and the program gives Google an important head start on Microsoft Corp., which is working on a similar file-searching tool that it recently said would not be ready for the next version of its Windows operating system promised for 2006."

I think this is the beginning of the end for Microsoft as the dominant force in desktop software. The fact that they are not on the leading edge of product development signals their demise. The corporation has become just like the software they develop: big, bloated, slow and unresponsive.
They are already loosing significant market share to Linux-based servers.
Due to its security issues, people are abandoning Internet Explorer in favor of Mozilla and Firefox browsers (just to name a few). Mozilla Mail, Thunderbird, and Evolution are replacing Outlook and Outlook Express as email clients of choice.

Linux desktop OS's are becoming easier to use everyday without the overwhelming security issues of Microsoft products. You can set up a Linux-based desktop system that does everything that 99% of the population needs to do with a computer, include have a fully functional office software suite, for FREE! (Do you enjoy spending hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on operating systems, add-ons and defensive software necessary to cover-up Windows' flaws??)
Web developer statistics indicate Linux is spreading rapidly. It has already bypassed Apple in the number of people using it.

The Linux community is an interesting place. There are a number of distributions aimed at the Windows-to-Linux convert, with all the point-and-click ease you have come to expect, most with web sites dedicated to helping the new user. I'm currently running SimplyMEPIS 2004.03 on my desktop, and it has been flawless Any problems I have had have been user-induced (by me!) and the Mepis Help forum has been incredible helping me correct my errors!
If you're interested in the wave of the future, a good place to begin learning about Linux is at Take your time and READ. There are over 300 versions of Linux (its not as overwhelming as it sounds), with one (or two or three) being just what you need.
Start learning now, before Windows goes the way of the Model T.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Who's REALLY to blame?

Recently, the St.Peter Times ran an article describing an unfortunate accident that took place in Clearwater, FL. But turn off your reactionary emotions and re-read the story. Here's what I found interesting:

"McKinney's grandmother, Betsy Gerhard, said Monday that Rebecca's mother Sally complained to school officials for years about the bus stop, to no avail.

"She has complained so many times that the transportation department knows her by her first name," Gerhard said."

So here we have a parent, competent enough to identify a dangerous situation that their child is exposed to, and what does she do?
She continues to allow her child to return to that dangerous situation time and time again, in fact, for YEARS!!

I'm sorry, but as a parent, if my child is exposed to a life-threatening situation once, let alone on a regular basis, I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure their safety! And it will go far beyond a few phone calls to the State-sponsored Indoctrination Center Transportation Board. Either send the child to school on other public transportation that provides safer logistics or I'll get my big fat butt up at whatever hour necessary to drive them myself (God forbid! - personal responsibility!)

It would have been a miniscule price to pay to still have my child alive.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Here goes!

Having finally gotten tired of talking to myself regarding a number of issues, I've decided to write to myself! If you happen to land here on the way through Cyberspace, Welcome! You will see a variety of topics covered depending on the mood du jour. Whatever they happen to be, hopefully they will be thought-provoking, possibly inspiring and at least intellectually consistent.