Saturday, September 03, 2005

Random Thoughts About New Orleans

Preparedness experts have always touted gold as the currency of choice in preparation for disasters or civil unrest. Seems they were mistakenly considering us to be a civilized society. Events in NO have changed that:
Hurricane Katrina has taken the local economy back in time.
Cigarettes and beer will get you far in the barter system ruling these debris-strewn streets. Gasoline is gold, the coveted item that can bring you anything you want.
''This right here can get us the hell out of Dodge,'' said Barbara Winch, holding up about 10 packs of cigarettes. Transportation is also a hot commodity in Waveland’s new economy.
Might want to reconsider what you have in your survival pack.
As Winch sat in front of her printing business Thursday evening just before sundown, the barter economy showed an ability to diversify.

A woman came up with a little bit of food. In return, she would be able to watch television on a set that Winch and her friend had rigged up.

''It’s food and cigarettes for television,'' Winch said. ''Money ain’t no good.''
Imagine being in a disaster and trading FOOD for the opportunity to watch TV!!
Flooding must cause brain damage.

When you depend on government to solve your problems, you get what you deserve: too little, too late, at much too high a price. They had three days warning that this storm was coming and increasing in strength; yet people elected to do nothing and wait for government to take care of them. It is beyond my comprehension how a person can sit and do nothing in the face of impending disaster. If all else fails, walk. And by the looks of the people they showed on the news squawking about the lack of intervention, they could have used the exercise.

Why didn't someone mobilize the thousands of school buses sitting in New Orleans?

Send the refugees to some of those closed military bases. If they were good enough for our soldiers, they're good enough for refugees.

If this is how government reacts to an event of which they have foreknowledge, it just sends shudders of encouragement through the essence of my being thinking of how they will react to completely unforeseen events (like another terrorist attack).

Next time some LeftLiberalSocialistCommie comes up with another gun control plan, remember New Orleans. The bad guys had plenty of firepower and they didn't have to buy it...they just stole it, and without the waiting period with which law-abiding citizens are encumbered.

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