Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Election Reflection

1) Did you notice how Teresa Heinz Ketchup disappeared the last week or so of the campaign? Her negatives in focus groups were soooo high... (I miss her already...she provided a wealth of material!)

2) John Edwards was useless on the ticket. He couldn't even deliver his home state to Kerry, let alone the rest of the south.

3) Tom Daschel defeated??!? Who'd've thunk. Maybe there is hope.

4) Watch for some big name resignation in the administration, followed by an appointment with a grandious dog-and-pony show. This will be the annointing of Bush's alleged successor (I don't really see Dick Cheney running for President in 2008).

5) How long do you think it will take before Bush lurches back to the left with his policy-making?
5a) How long before Christians who voted for Bush have "voter's remorse"?

6) Arlen Specter should just come out of the closet and switch to the Democratic party.

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