Friday, November 05, 2004

Reverand Fraud

From AP News:
NEW YORK (AP) - The Rev. Al Sharpton and his wife, Kathy Jordan Sharpton, have announced their separation after 23 years of marriage.

The Sharptons said in a statement Friday that they "will remain on the best of terms."

The pair "have extremely active careers and their separation allows them to continue pursuing their work interests," the statement said. "They will continue to work together in their civil rights work and in their other business ventures, including those in the entertainment industry."

"Together they have successfully raised two daughters, one of whom started college this year, and the other of whom will be graduating high school in June," the statement said.
And you wonder why the black community is in shambles? Partly because its people like this they call leaders.

After 23 years of marriage they are calling it quits. And why?
Adultery? No.
Drug or alcohol addiction? Nope.
Child or spouse abuse? Not even close.
Its the horror of...(dare I say it?)... of ummm.......EXTREMELY ACTIVE CAREERS!!! (get the Duck Tape, I think my head's gonna explode!)

A supposed Reverand, a moral compass in the black community, a church leader. A man who claims to adhere to the Bible (where the only justification for divorce is adultery).
But no, they've taken on too much nonsense outside themselves, to be concerned with each other.

And they will "remain on the best of terms". I'm going to puke. The best of terms is married "till death do us part", like you promised each other before GOD and man. If Big Al can't keep a vow made to his wife before GOD, why does anyone in the black community think he will do anything else he says to them?

Jesus sums up divorce in two words in Matt 19 and again in Mark 10: "hard hearts". That's it. Every case of divorce stems from a hardened heart. (That means selfishness and arrogance for you public school graduates). Marriage is not a "what can I get out of this" proposition. Its a "what can I put into it" proposition. You enter a marriage to give and to serve, not to take and be waited upon (if this is news to you, postpone your wedding until you understand it).

For more on family and relationships, Visit Dennis Rainey at Family Life Today.

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