Sunday, November 28, 2004

What It's Really Like

This editorial appeared on WND over the weekend.

Its the moving description of the war in Iraq, as told by a platoon leader (in all likelihood, a 2nd Lt. Chances are good that he is in his early to mid 20's, a recent college graduate, coming from a Service Academy or ROTC program.)

Put aside your opinion of the war for a moment. (Debate the war with the politicians, not the soldiers.)

Feel the emotion woven through this commentary.

I know a good number of military personnel, retired, active, and in training. All hate war. But they understand it is an unfortunate yet necessary evil of our world.

They are not driven by blood-lust.
They are not homicidal maniacs.
They are not on a testosterone or adrenaline high.

They do not choose where to go, nor which battles to fight.
But when the call goes out, they are there to answer it.
Often at great sacrifice to themselves and their families.

So, do me a favor.
Next time you see a man in uniform, think back to this article.
Recall what they've probably seen and been through.
And simply tell them, "I appreciate your sacrifice."

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