Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Finally, A Democratic Plan I Can Endorse!

The Washington Times reports:
Secession, which didn't work very well when it was tried once before, is suddenly red hot in the blue states. In certain precincts, anyway.
That would probably be easier than my plan. I was hoping for an earthquake to sever the west coast and a nuclear detonation to take care of the northeast.

You have to read this to see what elitist liberals actually think about the rest of the country! Here's some examples:
The idea isn't just a joke; one top Democrat says, "The segment of the country that pays for the federal government is now being governed by the people who don't pay for the federal government." (you don't pay any taxes; only the libs do)
...to form a new country, away from the "rednecks in Oklahoma" and the "homophobic knuckle-draggers in Wyoming." (talk about hate speech!)
"We hold our noses as we fly over you. We are sickened by the way you treat people that are different from you. The rest of the world despises America, and we don't want to be lumped in with you anymore."

But Andy Nowicki, a libertarian blogger, said the blue states will never secede because "liberals don't want to leave their enemies alone. Instead, as their track record shows, they want to take over the government in order to force their enemies to endure perpetual sensitivity training for being such racist, sexist, homophobic, 'closed-minded' boors, i.e., for disagreeing with them." (LOL)

But according to Slate.com — another liberal Web site that has explored the topic of secession — there are no provisions in U.S. law for a state or states to opt out of the Union, citing such authorities as Bruce Ackerman of Yale Law School and Lawrence Tribe of Harvard Law School who say that since Appomattox "scholars have agreed that the Constitution grants no right of secession."
Since when do liberals care about the Constitution? (Only when its beneficial to them.)
How about the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution?
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
If it doesn't say the states can't, then they can!

If George Bush really wants a great legacy, this is where it lies!
I really don't expect this to go very far, but a guy can dream, can't he??

To see what this would look like, go here.
I don't like the name Jesusland, though. Must have been named by a lib. Sounds like a theme park.

How about "Jehovastan"? Sounds holy and militant at the same time.

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