Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Flogging Blogging

...what I saw in the blogosphere on Nov. 2 was more reminiscent of that school paper or a "Breaker, breaker 19" gabfest on CB than anything approaching journalism.
CBSNews rolls out one of its retired dinosaurs, Eric Engberg, to write this hit piece on the world of bloggers.

Before I go any further, let me disclose my motivation here. I am not doing this (blogging) in an attempt to become the next Rush Limbaugh. I harbor no fantasy of being the next Tom Clancey. Peter Jennings' job is not appealing to me. I do this for 3 reasons: 1) to vent, 2) to organize my thoughts, and 3) to have some fun! Now, back to the article.

I won't get involved in the debate of whether the internet, and blogging will replace traditional "mainstream" (radical left) media. That remains to be seen and will be decided in the arena of the free market (its true mainstream media has been losing viewers rapidly, so my money would be on cable/internet).

There are so many small inaccuracies in this article, I really don't feel like going through them all. Just make note of the arrogant, condescending tone of the entire article: We, the annointed Mainstream Media are superior; you are dummies. Let us decide for you."

Lets cut to the chase: why all the anti-blog pieces (this CBS article is by far not the only one - just Google 'exit polls')? Simple. The blog world in general, and little green footballs, in particular, threatened the mainstream media like never before this past month. It started with the Swift Boat Vets. But there was more.

Remember the little fiasco with Dan Rather and CBS, regarding some FORGED DOCUMENTS, purported to show Bush got favored treatment while in the National Guard? Guess who was the first to realize and report that those documents were, in all likelyhood phony?
Yup. The guys over at littlegreenfootballs!
After that, it was duck and cover for CBS News for about 3 weeks.

What you are seeing, in my opinion, is the first shot in the Media Revolutionary War. Cable, satellite and most prominently, the internet, have given a voice to the common man. No longer are we subject to the mainstream media, with no outlet for dissent or rebuttal.
This is the beginning of the march around Jericho...soon the walls of the mainstream media will come crumbling down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

я считаю: спасибо. а82ч